Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Want to see something cute?

Let's see, what have we been doing in the month and a half since my last post? Oh, yeah, we had a baby.

In an effort not to irritate folks with an overwhelming amount of baby stuff, I created a new blog called The Daily Nugget.  I'll keep this blog to prove that I can, occasionally, talk about something other than Rachel.

The new blog is my sister's fault (hi Aunt Sara).  She insists on a daily picture since she can't be here as much as either of us would like.  I decided it would be great to save all those pictures somewhere we could look back on them.  I already have a hard time remembering how little she was when she was born.

So, if you want see something cute every day or check in once in a while to see the changes, check out my other blog.

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