Sunday, May 16, 2010

Let the Painting Begin

This is our kitchen with the first coat paint on it. I started painting on Friday afternoon after we closed. I did the first wall - awesome. I made the turn onto the second wall - not awesome. The kitchen was painted with semi-gloss paint, which I totally understand. However, new paint WILL NOT stick to semi-gloss because of the shine. Crap. After several trips to the Home Depot (because I refuse to sand the shine off), we final came up with a primer that would stick to the old paint and let us put up the new paint - Zinsser Bulls Eye 1-2-3. So, we primed yesterday and painted the first coat today. I'll go back Tuesday and give it the second coat. This is a cell phone picture, so it's not the best, but it will give you an idea until I can get back with the digital camera.

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